Political subdivisions of the Republic of Texas , the independence thereof, must be seen in the context of the Mexican municipalities created under the 1824 constitution law of the land.
One must understand the contract that provided for the lawful colonization of the land. After the Texians won their independence, and up until the annexation the political subdivisions were not known as counties, they were first contractual grants of land with stipulations that the company of men coming upon the land would settle the land according to rules of the constitution of 1824.
Here are the rules. See the 1824 constitution.
Events leading up to the independence in 1836, were initiated by the parties involved wishing for the rules to be adhered to on both sides of the contract, namely the Mexican government, however, there were those who were hungry for land opportunities coming into the lands of Texas without permission from the Mexican government as well as not abiding by the rules. Therefore, in order to keep the issues in proper perspective, I will attempt to identify the good guys.
We may begin by identifying the companies of the one part of the contract. Moses Austin and his son, Stephen are well known as the Fathers of Texas, being the primary negotiators with the Mexican government.
Nashville, Tennessee sent a company of men who settled in what was called Nashville. These men would have been Robertson, Davidson, League, and others mentioned regarding the Nashville company.
Nashville, Tennessee sent a company of men who settled in what was called Nashville. These men would have been Robertson, Davidson, League, and others mentioned regarding the Nashville company.
The others will be identified here.
The negotiated agreements between the separate companies and the Mexican government will be established with certain historical documents which will have to be sorted out. Some I have access to and others may or may not exist. Help in the retrieval of these items from any and all volunteers would be welcomed.
Primary sources of information will solidify the historical accuracy of this study and will give the republic of Texas a firm foothold in the international arena. While certain documentation are found within the various libraries of Texas and other states, there are other certain recounts of history in the papers written by students of college education for their graduation requirements. Finding these documents may be hard but they are out there.
The collegiate institutions would know where such materials are stored.
We know that there were 32 divisions established by the end of 1844 or the last lawful session of congress of the republic of Texas. Starting in 1845, congressional meddling of the land of Texas was being accomplished by the united states people unlawfully annexing the Nation, and not by lawful treaty negotiations. Therefore the political subdivisions in place during the last lawful session of congress of the republic of Texas are the only ones of standing today. However, as I see it, the settlers had established the lands in preparation for the establishment of the counties lawfully, but just ran out of time before the annexation.
What this means for the people of Texas is this. There are in existence, fictional counties devised by corporate laws which have to be dealt with by lawful congressional methods. There are real living people breathing in these fictional counties believing they are real counties who will oppose the lawful redress of creating these fictional counties into lawful counties and that being accomplished through lawful acts of congress already established through the republic of Texas congress' 9th congress. Which was never adjourned lawfully.
What that means for us today, is we are lawfully living in the past, and our actions to redress the wrong will be accomplished through the reenactment of the past, and that lawfully entails reconvening the 9th congress and finishing business.
It is now that I would like to introduce the people of Texas living in this 21st century to the republic of Texas Congress assembled lawfully. And to catch up with this year of our lord 2018, the republic of Texas congress is now in its 23rd session. By now you may be saying to yourself, rather asking 'What is going on here?'
So to answer that question I must direct you to:
As this direction to visit the website of the republic of Texas, wherein one may catch up on recent history, namely the proceedings of the 9th congress and others leading up to the present day proceedings of this 23rd congress of the republic of Texas, we may continue with the naming of our 23 lawful counties and how we will accomplish lawfully creating the counties we live in today in this year of our lord 2018, now the brink of 2019.
Merry Christmas, Ya'll. From your faithful representatives of the people of Texas restoring your God-given unalienable rights. And should by chance you wish to participate in your freedom, as opposed to living out your servitude to the oppressors, then may I invite you to volunteer your lives to the just cause. Your land needs your mind and body to volunteer your heart to freedom and participation in this restoration of the republic's form of lawful governance.
What this means is identifying the lawful county of your residence, which is one of the 23 counties that your fictional county was created from, and forming an assembly of delegates to represent that county and elect your representative in congress assembled. As we continue to create lawful counties, our constitution instructs us how to elect the officials that represent us. This is where my posts to this blog you are reading will help direct you in the proper course.
This is a lot of information to digest for the most part of you the people inhabiting this great land we love and call Texas. This call to action requires the unadulterated belief in ourselvse and our duty toward our heirs to continue being the free people we believe we are and that being lawful and unalienable.
Stay tuned for further education and fun facts.
Your rT HouseRep Milam.
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