Election turnout at an all time high!
Thur., Dec. 5th, 10am
House met pursuant to adjournment, the roll called, members answered to their names, to wit:
Mr's Speaker, Armstrong, Cooke of Robertson, Cunningham, Erath, Ford, Gage, Hardin, Henderson, Johnson, Jones of Gonzales, Lewis, McFarlane, Mabry, Menefee, Moffett, Parker, Perkins, Robinson, Sadler, Scott, Scurry, Sutherland, Smyth of Jasper, Wallace, Williams, Williamson.
A quorum present, journals of previous day read and accepted.
The Speaker announced the following standing committees for the present session, to wit:
Committee on Judiciary,
Mr's Robinson, Wallace, Scurry, Henderson and Cunningham.
Committee of Public Printing,
Mr's Perkins, McFarlane, Jones of Gonzales, Sadler and Armstrong.
Committee on the State of the Republic,
Mr's Henderson, Cooke of Bexar, Sutherland, Johns, and Scott.
Committee on Claims and Accounts,
Mr's Mabry, Bourland, Parker, Armstrong and Dunn.
Committee on Foreign Relations,
Mr's Williams, Robinson, Scurry, Henderson and Ford.
Committee on Enrolled Bills,
Mr's Wallace, Perkins, Bourland, Ogden and Mabry.
Committee on Public Lands,
Mr's Sutherland, Erath, Smyth of Jasper, McFarlane and Gage.
Committee on Contingent Expenses,
Mr's Parker, Hardin, Means, Millican and Johnson.
Committee on Finance,
Mr's Smyth of Jasper, Johns, Sadler, Jones of San Patracio, and Dunn.
Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads,
Mr's Bourland, Menefee, Lewis, Armstrong and Erath.
Committee on Internal Improvements,
Mr's Moffett, Cooke of Robertson, Gage, Means and Millican.
Committee on Privileges and Elections,
Mr's Jones of Gonzales, Jones of San Patricio, Cooke of Robertson, Ogden and Williams.
Committee on Naval Affairs,
Mr's McLeod, Smith of Fannin, Sadler, Henderson and Scott.
Committee on Indian Affairs,
Mr's Menefee, Scurry, Mabry, Parker and Ford.
Committee on Education,
Mr's Scurry, Ford, Robinson, Ogden and McFarlane.
Committee on Military Affairs,
Mr's Cooke of Bexar, Williams, Wallace, Lewis and Cunningham.
Committee on County Boundaries,
Mr's Scott, Moffett, Bourland, Smith of Fannin, and Tuit.
Committee on Engrossed Bills,
Mr's Cunningham, Robinson, Cezneau, Jones of Gonzales, and McFarlane.
Committee on Retrenchment,
Mr's Ford, Truit, Means, Gage and Perkins.
Mr. Robinson presented the petition of Calvin Sumrall, which was referred to Committee on Public Lands.
Mr. Sadler presented the petition of Daniel Parker, which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands.
A resolution adopted to necessary preparations for the inauguration of the President and Vice President elect; and that the Chief Clerk of the House to request appointment of the Senate to like said committee.
The following committee appointed,
Mr's Williamson, Mabry, Perkins, Scurry and Wallace.
A message received from the President through his Private secretary, Mr. W. D. Miller.
On motion, Mr. Henderson moves a committee of two appointed, Mr's Henderson and Smyth, to inform the Senate that the House was ready to count the votes given for President and Vice President.
The committee returned, reported duty performed.
Mr. Robinson, by leave, introduced a bill making an appropriation for the contingent expenses of the ninth Congress, read first time.
On motion of Mr. Williamson, the message of His Excellency, the President, was taken up and read, as follows:
Executive Department,
Washington, Dec. 5th, 1844
To the Honorable the Senate, and House of Representatives:
I have the honor to make known to the Honorable Congress, that during their recess, the Judgeships in the first and sixth Judicial Districts became vacant by the death of their respective incumbents, and that the same were filled by Executive appointment.
Sam Houston
Which on motion of Mr. Williamson, was laid on the table.
A message was received from the Senate stating that they would be ready to count the votes given for President and Vice President, this evening at half past three o'clock.
Mr. Williamson, by leave, introduced a bill, amendatory of the several acts relative to fraudulent land certificates; read the first time.
Mr. Lewis, of Montgomery, by leave, introduced a bill exempting ministers of the gospel from serving as jurors, and for other purposes; read first time.
On motion, Mr. Williamson, a bill making an appropriation for the contingent expenses of the ninth Congress, was taken up, rule suspended, read a second time; and on motion of Mr. Scurry, the rule was further suspended, bill read third time and passed.
On motion of Mr. Henderson, Mr's Wm. L. Cezneau, of Travis, and Wm. G. Cooke, of Bexar came forward, presented their credentials, took the oath of office and their seats.
On motion of Mr. Erath, the House adjourned until three o'clock pm.
Three o'clock the House met according to adjournment, rool called, quorum present, proceeded to business.
On motion of Mr. Robinson, the following gentlemen came forward, presented their credentials, took the oaths and their seats:
Mr's Wm. H. Bourland, of Lamar, William Means, of Sabine, and S. L. Jones, of San Patricio.
In conjunction with the Senate the House acted on their part to contract for the contingent printing of both Houses of Congress.
The Senate appears and is seated in their prepared seats.
The Speaker of the House then proceeded to count the votes for President and Vice President, whereupon, it appears that for President, Anson Jones received six thousand, four hundred and forty three votes. Edward Burleson received five thousand, forty four votes, - scattering 38 votes.
For Vice President, Kenneth L. Anderson received eight thousand, eight hundred and sixty four votes, - scattering, three hundred and eighty two votes.
Of the votes informally returned for President, Anson Jones received five hundred and fifty votes, and Edward Burleson received six hundred and forty five votes, - scattering nine votes. Anson Jones, having received the greater number of votes, was declared by the Speaker, duly and constitutionally elect President of the Republic for the next ensuing three years.
Kenneth L. Anderson, having received the greatest number of votes for Vice President, was declared by the Speaker, duly and constitutionally elected Vice President of the Republic, for the next ensuing three years.
[ the writer of this post notes the just under 13 thousand votes for President, and the over 9 thousand votes for Vice President.]
The present elections and the seating of these members of Congress who adjourn the ninth congress never convene the Tenth congress, at least the records and journals are missing? However, there are more journals that are titled secret. What about the appropriations for printing we just saw approved above? What about the appropriations for the contingent expenses of the ninth congress? Stay tuned for the continuation of the ninth congress coming soon.
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