Friday, January 4, 2019

HR Ninth Congress Dec. 2nd 1844

House of Representatives | Ninth Congress | Washington, Dec. 2d, 1844

Met in annual session, in accord with law.
Anson Jones, Sec't of State in the chair.
Former chief clerk, James H. Raymond, chief clerk, pro tem.
The roll call of counties, the following came forward, presented credentials, took their oaths prescribed by the constitution:
Austin county, S.K. Lewis,
Bowie county, S.B. Johns,
Brazoria county, Ted Robinson,
Colorado county, Wm. Menefee,
Fort Bend county, G.A. Parker,
Gonzales county, A.H. Jones,
Harrison county, Wm. T. Scott,
Houston county, Wm. T. Sadler,
Jackson county, George Sutherland,
Matagorda county, D. McFarlane,
Montgomery county, John M. Lewis,
Milam county, G.B. Erath,
Nacogdoches county, J.H. Moffett,
Refugio county, John Dunn,
Red River county, Wm. R. Scurry,
Rusk county, David Gage,
San Augustine county, John S. Ford,
San Augustine county, B.R. Wallace,
Victoria county, A.S. Cunningham,
On motion of Mr. Parker, J.W. Stoddard appointed Sgt. @ Arms pro tem.
On motion of Mr. Gage, Mr. Cockburn appointed door keeper pro tem.
There not being quorum,
On motion of Mr. Robinson, House adjourned until tomorrow, 3pm.

Dec. 3d, 1844
House met pursuant to adjournment, the roll being called, the following members answered:
Lewis of A., Johns, Robinson, Menefee, Parker, Jones, Scott, Sadler, Sutherland, McFarlane, Lewis of M., Erath, Moffett, Dunn, Scurry, Gage, Ford, Wallce and Cunningham.
The roll call of counties, the following came forward, presented credentials, took their oaths prescribed by the constitution:
Bastrop county, E. Mabry,
Bexar county, D.C. Ogden,
Brazos county, E.M. Millican,
Fayette county, A. Williams,
Goliad county, J.W. Johnson,
Harris county, J.W. Henderson,
Jasper county, G.W. Smyth,
Jefferson county, Jas. Armstrong,
Liberty county, Benj. Hardin,
Robertson county, W.R. Cooke,
Shelby county, Jas. Truit,
Washington county, R.M. Williamson,
A quorum present.
On motion of Mr. Henderson, House proceeded to the election of a Speaker
- Mr. McFarlane nominated Mr. Lewis of M.
- Mr. Sutherland nominated Mr. Menefee.
Parker, Mabry, Jones appointed tellers.
House proceeded to ballot:
Mr. Lewis, 16; Mr. Menefee, 15
Mr.Lewis declared duly elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ninth congress of the rT.
Mr's Sutherland and Wallace appointed to committee to wait upon the Speaker elect, and conduct him to the chair, accordingly done,
whereupon the Speaker addressed the House:

Gentlemen of the House of Representatives:
    Unpracticed in the duties of the station you have assigned me, I must ask in advance that indulgence at your hands, necessary to the forgiveness of the many unintentional errors I may commit, and your aid in conducting the proceedings of the House with propriety and usefulness.
    Coming, gentlemen, as you do, from every part of the country -- acquainted as you doubtless are, with the wants and interests of your constituents -- we may, gentlemen, by a wise and judicious exercise of the powers with which we are invested, promote the happiness and prosperity of our common country -- elevate and dignify its character!
    Regarded as I am, by many, as a decided partizan, I trust you will believe that I have too much regard for the obligations of official integrity, to permit the party predilections which may hitherto have characterized my political conduct, to betray me into a departure from the imperious mandates of duty and of justice.
    Feeling, as I do, the most sincere commiseration for the suffering of the West, and the liveliest interest in its security, deeply concerned for the welfare of the East, and united as I am by the most sacred obligations of gratitude and affection to the middle portion of the Republic, I am conscious of a sincere and earnest desire to promote, so far as I am concerned, the varied interests of every part of the country, and to dispense stern justice to every member of this House.
    I ask you then, gentlemen of the House of Representatives, to unite with me in offering up, on the alter of our country's good, all personal prejudices -- all party animosities. Let the good of our country be the polar star of our legislative action.
    I thank you, gentlemen, for the distinguished honor you have conferred upon me.

On motion of Mr. Robinson, House proceeded to the election of a Chief Clerk. The Speaker appointed Mr's Perkins, Truit and Ford tellers.
Mr. Williamson nominated Mr. Jas. H. Raymond:
Mr. Smith nominated Mr. W.D. Miller;
Mr. Armstrong nominated Mr. Joseph Waples.
House proceeded to the election.
Mr. Raymond, 15; Mr. Miller, 9; Mr. Waples, 8.
There being no election, House proceeded to a second ballot.
Mr. Raymond, 20; Mr. Miller, 7; Mr. Waples, 5.
Mr. Raymond receiving a majority of all the votes, duly elected Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives.
On motion of Mr. Williamson, House proceeded to the election of Assistant Clerk.
Mr. Williamson nominated John M. Swisher; there being no other nominations, Mr. Swisher declared duly elected by acclamation.
On motion of Mr. Henderson, House proceeded to the election of Engrossing Clerk.
Mr. Henderson nominated Mr. Benj. F. Hill;
Mr. Wallace nominated Mr. Jno. W. Mann;
Mr. Lewis of M. nominated Mr. Edward Banton;
Mr. McFarlane nominated Mr. C.B. Snow.
The members voting:
Mr. Hill, 18; Mr. 6; Mr. Banton, 5; Mr. Snow, 2.
Mr. Hill receiving a majority of all the votes, duly elected Engrossing Clerk.
On motion of Mr. Williamson, House went into election for Enrolling Clerk.
Mr. Williamson nominated Mr. Jas. M. Long;
Mr. Scurry nominated Mr. M.H. Chevallie;
Mr. Truit nominated Mr. U.F. Case; whereupon the ballot was taken.
Mr. Chevallie, 20; Mr. Long, 8; Mr. Case, 4.
Mr. Chevallie receiving a majority of all votes, duly elected Enrolling Clerk.
On motion of Mr. Henderson, House went into election for Sgt@Arms.
Mr. Henderson nominated Mr. J.W. Stoddard;
Mr. Armstrong nominated Mr. J.M. Alexander;
Mr. Smith nominated Mr. N. Halbert.
The ballot taken, the results were:
Mr. Stoddard, 13; Mr. Alexander, 15; Mr. Halbert, 5; No majority, House proceeded to 2nd ballot:
Mr. Stoddard, 12; Mr. Alexander, 17; Mr. Halbert, 2;
Mr. Alexander receiving a majority of all votes, duly elected Sgt@Arms.
On motion of Mr. Erath, House proceeded to the election of a DoorKeeper.
Mr. Erath nominated Mr. Francis Hughes;
Mr. Lewis of M. nominated Mr. Mangrum;
Mr. Johnson nominated Mr. William Cockburn;
Mr. Wallace nominated Mr. O'Neal.
The ballot being taken, the result was:
Mr. Hughes, 19; Mr. Mangrum, 3; Mr. Cockburn, 6; Mr. O'Neal, 3.
Mr. Hughes receiving a majority of all the votes, duly elected Door-keeper.
The officers elect came forward, sworn by the Speaker to a faithful performance of their duties.
On motion Mr. Parker, a committee of three was appointed to wait upon the Senate, and inform that body that the House of Representatives of the Ninth Congress was organized, and ready to proceed to business.
Mr's. Parker, Sutherland and Henderson were appointed said committee.
A committee from the Senate, announced the Senate organized, and ready to proceed with business.
On motion of Mr. Scurry, a committee was appointed to act in conjunction with a similar committee on the part of the Senate, to wait upon His Excellency, the President, and inform him that the two Houses of Congress had organized, and were ready to receive any communication he might have to make.
Mr's Scurry, Johns and Perkins were appointed said committee;
On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Chief Clerk was dispatched to inform the Senate of the same.
The committee appointed to inform the Senate of the organized House, reported the duty performed.
The committee appointed to act in conjunction with a committed on the part of the Senate, to wait upon His Excellency, the President, returned  and reported the President would deliver, in person, a message to the two Houses of Congress, at 11am tomorrow morning.
On motion of Mr. Henderson, the adoption of the standing rules of the House of Representatives of the eighth Congress as the government of the present session.
On motion of Mr Parker, the amendment by adding "and that Jefferson's manual be adopted in all cases where the rules are silent;"
accepted by Mr.Henderson, and motion carried.
On motion of Mr. Henderson, the Speaker was requested to appoint the usual standing committee.
On motion of Mr. Parker, the House adjourned until tomorrow, at half past 10am.

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