Mexico declared its independence of Spain in 1821. The northern province of Coahuila y Tejas is the land which bordered the Louisiana territory which the U.S. purchased from France. The new Mexican government separated the northeastern part known as Tejas into three administrative departments named Bexar, Nacogdoches and Brazos.
From olden times the Indians traveled across this land back and forth from east to west on what was known as a trace. During Spanish occupation of the land this trace became known as the Spanish Trail which connected the settlements of French Natchitosis and Spanish Presidio. This trace still exists today as the historical Old Spanish Trail. The land predominantly being inhabited by the Cherokee tribes with various tribal names; the Spanish not particularly interested in inhabiting the land because it being quite inhospitable yet determined to keep others from doing so and entering into it to claim it for themselves, they would send patrols and built missions along the trace. The missions housed the padres who would invite the indians into the compounds and teach them Christianity. Some were amenable to the social aspect while others felt the need to raid and steal whereby the Spanish sent soldiers to maintain order and peace. This system of inhabiting and settling the land was not entirely ideal so the government created laws to facilitate colonization with strict codes of acceptance such as the requirement to be of the catholic faith, be of nobility and character and did not allow slavery. These things are mentioned to set the stage for what was about to happen and the extraordinary events which led to the land being known as Texas.
In 1832 the government authorized the creation of municipalities under an ayuntamiento or governing body and an alcalde of Chief magistrate, mayor and judge which provided for law and order, the building of roads and bridges, health and education of its residents.
The municipality included a town with surrounding territory and was subdivided into precincts under a Comisarios or justice of the peace and an alguacil or sheriff. By 1835 twelve municipalities existed in Texas named Austin, Bevil, Columbia, Gonzales, Harrisburg, Liberty, Matagorda, Mina, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, Viesca and Washington. Within a year there would be 23 municipalities and it would be representatives of those municipalities that would meet at Washington on the Brazos on March 1st, 1836 and sign a declaration of independence from the Mexican government.
The boundaries of the municipalities being of a vague nature and not very well defined, the new government set up under the Republic of Texas would require a survey of the various settlements and defining the boundaries of and creation of the newly established counties. This continued for several years being the greater aspect of the fledgling republic. Any newly created counties by the Texas congress would require that they be petitioned of 100 free males (excluding slaves) and encompass no less than 900 square miles.
The decade prior to this point in time wherein the republic of Texas was populated and established gave rise to the Texas congress a body of legislation which had the wherewithal to accomplish something never before done in all of history. A nation was born and became accepted into the international communities of the world with legations and commerce in several world markets. The fact that it had a navy and merchant marine to sail the seas connecting to these world markets who themselves profited from this trade made Texas stand on its own merits and operate in a profit margin. Albeit the decade of its existence as the Republic of Texas was fraught with battles and surmounting debts and certain political intrigues, when Texas was finally annexed into the United States, It had accomplished freedom for its sovereign peoples, friendships with the indigenous tribes of Indians, peace with and the acceptance of the Mexican government, emissaries in France, Great Britain, and the United States, and a navy which protected its shores three leagues out to sea with which the Texas coast is the only continental land mass with its boundary denoted as such.
Recapping the divisions of the land, beginning with the Spanish administrative departments of Bexar, Nacagdoches and Brazos, which gave to the establishment of twelve municipalities named Austin, Bevil, Columbia, Gonzales, Harrisburg, Liberty, Matagorda, Mina, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, Viesca and Washington. Independence of Mexico established the republic of Texas bicameral legislation congress which classified them counties each with their judiciaries of inferior courts and collectively with their district courts, and by petition of at least 100 of the residents of each county, the creation of new counties of which we will enumerate next.
annotation: Found more municipalities as such:
Jefferson and Tenehaw now totals 14 municipalities
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